With Lopön Ogyan Tanzin in Prague, 2019

As Wide As The Skies

Ngagpa life in the Nyingma tradition

White robes, long hair, earrings and the entire life dedicated to Dharma practice.

This blog aims to provide insights and starting points for getting in touch with the tradition of non-monastic, tantric practitioners of the Tibetan Buddhist Nyingmapa school through classical texts, my own reflections and announcements for events.

Within the Nyingmapa school, my home base is particularly the Düdjom Tersar lineage. In this short treasure lineage stemming from the late 19th and 20th centuries, the community of non-celibate yogis and yoginis is emphatically preserved and practiced to this day.

And in addition to the other well-known practice methods of this lineage, it is above all the chöd methods of the Thröma Nagmo cycle according to the Upper Thröma lineage that I wish to give a homestead here.

Texts, Translations and More

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